Copper Ni Ti Archwires 35ºC Universal .013". 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires 35ºC Universal .014"x.025". 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires 35ºC Universal with Stops .013". 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires 35ºC Universal with Stops .014"x.025". 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .013" U/L without Stops Euro II Form. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .014"x.025" U/L without Stops Euro II Form. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .013" U/L with Stops Euro II Form (Individual Package). 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .014"x.025" U/L with Stops Euro II Form. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Arcos Copper NiTi 27ºC Redondos Forma Universal con Stops
Arcos Copper NiTi 27ºC Rectángulares Forma Universal con Stops
Arcos Copper NiTi 27ºC Redondos Forma Universal sin Stops
Arcos Copper NiTi 27ºC Rectángulares Forma Universal sin Stops