Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Super Torque UR1 22°T 5°A. 5 Units
Stainless Steel Archwires Aesthetic Europe II Form .018"x.018" Upper. 5 Units
Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base Standard .022" UL. 10 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Standard Torque UR1 6°T 9°A. 5 Units
Stainless Steel Archwires Aesthetic .018"x.018" Upper. Natural Form. 5 Units
Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base 2º Molar Mini Standard .022" UL. 10 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Standard/Low/Super Torque UR4/5 with Hook -11°T 2°A. 5 Units
Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base MBT .018" UL. 10 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Standard/Low Torque LL4 with Hook -12°T 4°A. 5 Units
Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base 2º Molar Mini MBT .018" UL. 10 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Roth/MBT .022" UR4/5 with Hook -7°T 0°A. 5 Units
Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base MBT .022" UL. 10 Units