Bond-A-Braid Retainer Wire. 10 Straight Lenghts x 15 cm.
Assure Universal Resin Bonding. 1 Bottle 6 cc.
Copper Ni Ti Archwires 35ºC Universal .014"x.025". 10 Units
Bondable Buccal Tube Double Non Convertible Roth .018" UR Occlusal Tube -10°T 8°OFF. 10 Units
Ni Ti Open Coil .010"x.030". 3 Springs x 17,78 cm
Stainless Steel Straight Lengths .021"x.025". 10 Units
Vector+ Metal Bracket MBT/Ricketts .018" LL5 with Hook -17°T 0°A 4°OFF. 10 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Passive Roth .018" with Hooks 3,4,5
Stop 2mm Max. .020" Wires. 10 Units
Reliabite Colocador/Mordedor de Aligners Forma Y
Excel Regular Kit in Syringes with Fluoride for Indirect Bonding. 1 Unit