Experience Ceramic Selft-Ligating Bracket Roth .018" UR1 12T 5A. 5 Units
Intensiv Swingle Starter Kit Ortho withouth Light
Experience Ceramic Selft-Ligating Bracket MBT .018" UR1 17T 4A. 5 Units
Experience Ceramic Selft-Ligating Bracket Roth .022"/UR1 12T 5A. 5 Units
Experience Ceramic Selft-Ligating Bracket MBT .022"/UL3 -7T 8A With Hooks. 5 Units
Ortho-Strips Coarse Intensiv
Kit Ortho-Strips Intensiv Double-Sided Contra-Angle 90/40/25/15. 4 Units
Experience® L SB Self-ligating Lingual Bracket .018" Upper 7-7, 6,7 with Hooks
Led. C. Curing Light. 1 Unit
Legend Metal Bracket Mini Roth .018" L1 UNIV -1T 0A. 10 Units
Intensiv ApproxOpener Double-Sided Serrated and Diamond Coated 8 Microns. 3 Units
Experience Self-Legating Metal Bracket MBT .018" UR1 17T 4A. 10 Units