Ni Ti Reverse Curve Archwires .016" x .016" Upper. 10 Units
Ni Ti Reverse Curve Archwires .016" x .016" Upper. Straight Leg. 10 Units
Beta Titanium Archwires .016"x .016". Euro I Form. Upper. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Vector+ Metal Bracket Roth/MBT/Andrews .018" UR4/5 with Hook -7°T 0°A 2°OFF. 10 Units
Beta Titanium Archwires .016"x .016". Euro II Form. Upper. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Beta Titanium Archwires .016"x .016". Natural Form. Upper. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .013" U/L without Stops Euro II Form. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .014"x.025" U/L without Stops Euro II Form. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .013" U/L with Stops Euro II Form (Individual Package). 10 Units
Copper Ni Ti Archwires .014"x.025" U/L with Stops Euro II Form. (Individual Package). 10 Units
Leone Natural Protective Wax. 50 Units
Leowire Round Spring Hard Wire 0,5 mm. 50 metres. Standard Spool.