Elastic Placers, Assorted Colors. 100 Units
Lingual Cleat with Chain for Unerupted Tooth, Bondable with Mesh Base. 10 Units
Ni Ti Coil Open Spring .010" x .030". 1 Spool 91 cm
Lingual Spurs for Control the Tongue Habit. 10 Units
Tolida 1st Molar Buccal Tube Weldable Double Convertible Roth .018" Lower Left LL. 10 Units
Eruption Appliance 24K Gold Plated Eyelet and Traction Chain. Round Base. 5 Units
Arcos NiTi Térmico Redondo Forma Europa II
Orthodontic Stop and Bite Guide Flat. 10 Units
Tolida 1st Molar Buccal Tube Weldable Triple Convertible Roth .022" Upper Left UL. 10 Units
Arcos NiTi Térmico Rectángular Forma Europa II
Retenedor Lingual Metálico 3x3
Crimpable Hooks Multiples Hooks Left 10 mm. Long. 10 Units