Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive MBT .022" UR1 17°T 4°A. 5 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Low Torque UR1 2°T 5°A. 5 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Super Torque UR1 22°T 5°A. 5 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Standard Torque UR1 6°T 9°A. 5 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Standard/Low/Super Torque UR4/5 with Hook -11°T 2°A. 5 Units
Dynamometer max 16 oz (0,4536 Kg) . 1 Unit
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Damon .022" Standard/Low Torque LL4 with Hook -12°T 4°A. 5 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Interactive Roth/MBT .022" UR4/5 with Hook -7°T 0°A. 5 Units
Heavy Duty Cuter up to 1,5 mm. 1 Unit
Easyclip+ Hybrid Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Roth .022" Interactive 3-3 with Hooks 3,4,5
Turret for Forming Rectangular Archwires from .016" to .0215". Blue Code. 1 Unit
Vector+ Metal Bracket Roth .018" UR1 12°T 5°A. 10 Units