Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base 2º Molar Mini MBT .018" UL. 10 Units
Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base MBT .022" UL. 10 Units
Tonia Bondable Buccal Tube Wide Base 2º Molar Mini MBT .022" UL. 10 Units
Bondable Bracket 1st Molar Std. Edgewise .018" without Hooks. U/L. 10 Units
Bondable Bracket 1st Molar Std. Edgewise .022" without Hooks. U/L. 10 Units
Bondable Bracket 1st Molar Roth .018" with Hooks. UL. 10 Units
Ni Ti Thermal Archwires .012" Upper. Natural Form. 10 Units
Bondable Bracket 1st Molar Roth .022" with Hooks. UL. 10 Units
Ni Ti Thermal Archwires .012" Upper. Ovoid Form. 10 Units
Bondable Bracket 1st Molar MBT .022" with Hooks. UL. 10 Units
Ni Ti Superelastic Archwires .012" Upper. Natural Form. 10 Units
Thino Metal Bracket Mini Standard Edgewise .018" 5x5 U/L with Hooks 3-4-5