Bondable Buccal Tube Double Non Convertible Standard/Ricketts .018"
Bondable Buccal Tube Double Non Convertible Standard/Ricketts .018"
Recommended price: 49,96€
Offer: -15,00 % 42,46 €
41,19 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes not included
45,31 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included
Bondable Buccal Tube Double Non Convertible Standard/Ricketts .018" UR/LL 0°T 0°OFF. 10 Units
- 08.11.1501
- Bondable Buccal Tubes Normal Base
Anatomical tube, which facilitates clinical practice and offers more comfort to the patient.
- Central channel, for precise positioning.
- Extended anatomical base, perfect adaptation to the tooth.
- Adaptable hook, more comfort for the patient.
- Permanent identification, to identify the quadrant.
- Sandblasted base, greater adhesion
- Funneled Entrance, facilitates the insertion of the arch.
- Vestibular groove, facilitates positioning and prevents occlusal interference.
- Clamp housing, secure union
10 units
- Central channel, for precise positioning.
- Extended anatomical base, perfect adaptation to the tooth.
- Adaptable hook, more comfort for the patient.
- Permanent identification, to identify the quadrant.
- Sandblasted base, greater adhesion
- Funneled Entrance, facilitates the insertion of the arch.
- Vestibular groove, facilitates positioning and prevents occlusal interference.
- Clamp housing, secure union
10 units


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/Buccal Tubes
/Buccal Tubes/Bondable Buccal Tubes Normal Base

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