Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit

Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit

Recommended price: 27,96€
Offer: -25,00 %   20,97 €

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22,37 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included

Thino Metal Bracket Mini Roth .018" 5x5 U/L with Hooks 3-4-5

1211-55-345H Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit | Roth .018" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
1212-55-345H Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit | Roth .022" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
1231-55-345H Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit | MBT .018" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
1232-55-345H Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit | MBT .022" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
1261-55-345H Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit | Ricketts .018" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
1234-1203-345H Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit | Two-Dimensional .018"/022" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
1262-55-345H Thino Metal Bracket Mini. Kit | Ricketts .022" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
Made of strong stainless steel 17-4, this series brackets
can be designed in Low (labial-lingual) Profile(L.P) while
maintain enough strong structure to resist the forces
happened during therapy and daily eating. Thino
Brackets dramatically reduce the interference of
occlusion and clinical bonding failure afterwards, and
maximize patient comfort without sacrificing the
structure strength at the wings, slot, etc of the bracket.

Identification System: Different permanent color codes for
each quadrant
Rhomboid Shape: With defined center vertical
scribe line helps for easy and accurate bracket placing.
Integral Hook: Prevents easy hook breaking
Chamfered archwire slot: Helps for easy archwire engagement.
Excellent finish : shows a shining surface

1 case Reviews with

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37 Items

Specific References

Roth .018 5x5 Sup. /Inf. Ganchos 3-4-5
Roth .018" 5x5 Sup./Inf. avec Crochet 3-4-5
Roth .018" 5x5 Sup. /Inf. con Ganci 3-4-5
Roth .018" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
Roth .018 5x5 Sup. /Inf. Ganchos 3-4-5
Roth .018" 5x5 Sup/Inf. Ganchos 3-4-5
Fabricado en acero inoxidable de 17-4, esta serie de brackets han sido diseñado en Low (labial-lingual) Perfil (L.P) aunque mantiene una estructura lo suficientemente fuerte como para resistir tanto las fuerzas que se aplicarán durante el tratamiento, como las actividades de la vida cotidiana. Los brackets Thino maximizan la comodidad del paciente sin sacrificar la resistencia de la estructura (aletas, slot, etc) del bracket. Sistema de Identificación: Diferentes códigos de colores permanentes para cada cuadrante Forma romboidal: Con línea central vertical marcada que ayuda a una fácil y precisa colocación del bracket. Gancho Integral. Biselado slot: Ayuda para el acoplamiento del arco de alambre fácilmente. Excelente acabado: superficie brillante 1 caso
Fabriquée en acier inoxydable 17-4, cette série de brackets a été conçue en profilé bas (labial-lingual) (LP) bien qu’elle conserve une structure suffisamment solide pour supporter à la fois les efforts qui seront appliqués pendant le traitement et les activités de la vie quotidienne. Les brackets Thino optimisent le confort du patient sans sacrifier la résistance de la structure (ailettes, fente, etc.) du bracket. Système d'identification: codes de couleur permanents différents pour chaque quadrant Forme rhomboïde: avec une ligne centrale verticale marquée facilitant la mise en place facile et précise du bracket. Crochet intégral. Fente biseautée: aide pour l'accouplement d'arc de fil facilement. Excellente finition: surface brillante 1 cas
Realizzato in acciaio inossidabile 17-4, questa serie di bracket è stata progettata in Low (Labial-Lingual) Profile (LP) sebbene mantenga una struttura abbastanza forte da sopportare sia le forze che verranno applicate durante il trattamento, sia le attività della vita di tutti i giorni. Le bracket Thino massimizzano il comfort del paziente senza sacrificare la resistenza della struttura (alette, slot, ecc.) del bracket. Sistema di identificazione: diversi codici colore permanenti per ciascun quadrante Forma romboidale: con linea centrale verticale marcata che aiuta a posizionare le bracket in modo facile e preciso. Gancio integrale Scanalatura smussata: aiuta a collegare facilmente l'archetto a filo. Finitura eccellente: superficie lucida 1 caso
Made of strong stainless steel 17-4, this series brackets can be designed in Low (labial-lingual) Profile(L.P) while maintain enough strong structure to resist the forces happened during therapy and daily eating. Thino Brackets dramatically reduce the interference of occlusion and clinical bonding failure afterwards, and maximize patient comfort without sacrificing the structure strength at the wings, slot, etc of the bracket. Identification System: Different permanent color codes for each quadrant Rhomboid Shape: With defined center vertical scribe line helps for easy and accurate bracket placing. Integral Hook: Prevents easy hook breaking Chamfered archwire slot: Helps for easy archwire engagement. Excellent finish : shows a shining surface 1 case
Diese aus 17-4-Edelstahl gefertigte Bracketserie wurde mit niedrigem (Labial-Lingual) -Profil (LP) entwickelt, obwohl sie über eine Struktur verfügt, die stark genug ist, um sowohl den Kräften zu widerstehen, die während der Behandlung als auch den Aktivitäten ausgeübt werden des Alltags. Die ThinoTM-Halterungen maximieren den Patientenkomfort, ohne die Festigkeit der Struktur (Flossen, Schlitz usw.) der Halterung zu beeinträchtigen. Identifikationssystem: Unterschiedliche permanente Farbcodes für jeden Quadranten Rhomboidform: Mit markierter vertikaler Mittellinie, die eine einfache und präzise Platzierung der Halterung ermöglicht. Integrierter Haken. Abgeschrägter Schlitz: Hilfe für die Drahtbogenkopplung leicht. Exzellentes Finish: glänzende Oberfläche 1 Fall
Fabricado em aço inoxidável 17-4, esta série de brackets foi projetada em perfil baixo (Labial-Lingual) (LP), embora mantenha uma estrutura forte o suficiente para suportar as forças que serão aplicadas durante o tratamento, bem como as atividades da vida cotidiana. Os Brackets Thino maximizam o conforto do paciente sem sacrificar a resistência da estrutura (aletas, ranhura, etc.) do bracket. Sistema de identificação: códigos de cores permanentes diferentes para cada quadrante Forma rombóide: Com linha central vertical marcada que ajuda a uma colocação fácil e precisa do bracket. Gancho integral. Slot chanfrado: Ajuda para o engate do arco de arame com facilidade. Excelente acabamento: superfície brilhante 1 caso Reviews with