Easyclip+ Opening Tool. 1 Unit
Copper NiTi Archwires 35ºC Rectangular Universal Form without Stops
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37,64 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included
Copper Ni Ti Archwires 35ºC Universal .014"x.025". 10 Units
- 09.02.0942
- Copper NiTi Archwires
Variants |
- Composition: nickel, titanium and copper (6%)
- Transition temperature: 27ºC and 35ºC
- Available in Small, Medium and Universal Damon formats
10 units
- Transition temperature: 27ºC and 35ºC
- Available in Small, Medium and Universal Damon formats
10 units
Product Details
1 Item
Specific References
- nom_es
- .014x.025 U/L. 10 Unidades
- nom_fr
- .014"x.025" Supérieur/Inférieur. 10 Unités
- nom_it
- .014"x.025" Sup/Inf. 10 Unità
- nom_uk
- .014"x.025" U/L. 10 Units
- nom_gr
- .014x.025 U/L. 10 Unidades
- nom_pt
- .014"x.025" Sup/Inf. 10 Unidades
- description_es
- - Composición: níquel, titanio y cobre (6%) - Temperatura de transición: 27ºC y 35ºC. - Disponible en formatos Damon Pequeño, Mediano y Universal 10 unidades
- description_fr
- - Composition: nickel, titane et cuivre (6%) - Température de transition: 27ºC et 35ºC - Disponible dans les formats Damon petit, moyen et universel 10 unités
- description_it
- - Composizione: nichel, titanio e rame (6%) - Temperatura di transizione: 27 ° C e 35 ° C - Disponibile nei formati Small, Medium e Universal Damon 10 unità
- description_uk
- - Composition: nickel, titanium and copper (6%) - Transition temperature: 27ºC and 35ºC - Available in Small, Medium and Universal Damon formats 10 units
- description_gr
- - Zusammensetzung: Nickel, Titan und Kupfer (6%) - Übergangstemperatur: 27ºC und 35ºC - Erhältlich in den Formaten Small, Medium und Universal Damon 10 Einheiten
- description_pt
- - Composição: níquel, titânio e cobre (6%) - Temperatura de transição: 27ºC e 35ºC - Disponível nos formatos Damon Pequeno, Médio e Universal 10 Unidades