Easyclip Bracket Autoligado Pasivo USS .022

Easyclip Bracket Autoligado Pasivo USS .022

Recommended price: 250,00€
Offer: -15,00 %   212,50 €

206,13 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes not included

226,74 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included

Easyclip Bracket Autoligado Pasivo USS .022"

05.21.6195 05.21.6195 | Clase II (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
05.21.6295 05.21.6295 | Clase III (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
05.21.6395 05.21.6395 | Mordida Abierta (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
This case of the USS technique contains the prescription of brackets and passive Easyclip+ self-ligating tubes of (6-6) upper and lower and wide-base conventional tubes of the (7) of the 4 quadrants. Each bracket and tube in this kit is selected to help correct malocclusion in patients with Class II. You can see in the brochure of the box the detailed information of torques and angulations of each USS prescription.
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Clase II (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
Clase II (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
Clase II (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
Clase II (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
Clase II (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
Clase II (7-7) HK 3,4,5. (6 Tubos EasyClip+ 7 Biocomfort)
Este caso de la tecnica USS, contiene las prescripción de brackets y tubos autoligados pasivos Easyclip+ de (6-6) superior e inferior y tubos convencionales base ancha de los (7) de los 4 cuadrantes. Cada bracket y tubo de este kit, esta seleccionado para ayudar a corregir la maloclusión de paciente con Clase II. Pueden ver en el folleto de la caja la información detallada de torques y angulaciones de cada prescripción USS.
Ce cas de la technique USS contient la prescription de brackets et de tubes autoligaturants Easyclip+ passifs des (6-6) tubes conventionnels supérieurs et inférieurs et base large du (7) des 4 quadrants. Chaque bracket et tube de ce kit est sélectionné pour aider à corriger la malocclusion chez les patients de classe II. Vous pouvez voir dans la brochure de la boîte les informations détaillées des couples et des angulations de chaque prescription USS.
Questo caso della tecnica USS contiene la prescrizione di attacchi e tubi autoleganti Easyclip+ passivi di (6-6) tubi convenzionali superiori e inferiori ea base larga dei (7) dei 4 quadranti. Ogni bracket e tubo in questo kit è selezionato per aiutare a correggere la malocclusione nei pazienti con Classe II. Puoi vedere nella brochure della scatola le informazioni dettagliate di torque e angolazioni di ogni prescrizione USS.
This case of the USS technique contains the prescription of brackets and passive Easyclip+ self-ligating tubes of (6-6) upper and lower and wide-base conventional tubes of the (7) of the 4 quadrants. Each bracket and tube in this kit is selected to help correct malocclusion in patients with Class II. You can see in the brochure of the box the detailed information of torques and angulations of each USS prescription.
Este caso da técnica USS contém a prescrição de bráquetes e tubos autoligáveis ​​passivos Easyclip+ de (6-6) superiores e inferiores e tubos convencionais de base larga do (7) dos 4 quadrantes. Cada bráquete e tubo neste kit é selecionado para ajudar a corrigir a má oclusão em pacientes com Classe II. Você pode ver no folheto da caixa as informações detalhadas de torques e angulações de cada prescrição USS.
orthoclever.com/en Reviews with ekomi.co.uk