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Beta Titanium Archwires Rectangular Euro II Form
Recommended price: 44,96€
Offer: -10,00 % 40,46 €
39,25 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes not included
43,18 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included
Beta Titanium Archwires .016"x .016". Euro II Form. Upper. (Individual Package). 10 Units
- IP6131-1616EII
- Made of Beta Titanium
Variants |
Titanium Molybdenum Alloy (TMA) archiwres have excellent polishing and finishing to help reduce friction against the bracket.
Its individual packaging helps to prevent cross infections.
They are Nickel-Free so they are ideal for treatments of patients with allergies to Nickel.
TMA archwires offer excellent formability, making it ideal for intermediate and finishing stages of treatment.
10 Units. Individual Package
Its individual packaging helps to prevent cross infections.
They are Nickel-Free so they are ideal for treatments of patients with allergies to Nickel.
TMA archwires offer excellent formability, making it ideal for intermediate and finishing stages of treatment.
10 Units. Individual Package
Product Details
13 Items
Specific References
- nom_es
- .016x.016 Superior. (Empaquetado Individual). 10 Unidades
- nom_fr
- .016"x.016" Supérieur. (Emballage Individuel). 10 Unités
- nom_it
- .016"x.016" Superiore. (Imballagio Individuale). 10 Unità
- nom_uk
- .016"x.016" Upper. (Individual Package). 10 Units
- nom_gr
- .016x.016 Superior. (Empaquetado Individual). 10 Unidades
- nom_pt
- .016"x.016" Superior. (Embalagem Individual). 10 Unidades
- description_es
- Estos arcos de aleación Titanio Molibdeno Alloy (TMA) tienen un excelente pulido y acabado para ayudar a reducir la fricción contra el bracket. Su empaquetado individual ayuda a prevenir las infecciones cruzadas. No contienen Niquel por lo que son ideales para tratamientos de pacientes con alergias al Niquel. Los arcos de aleación (TMA) tienen unas propiedades que van desde la flexibilidad del Niquel Titanio y la maleabilidad del acero pudiendose doblar y conformar y facilitando los detalles de las fases intermedias y finales del tratamiento. 10 Unidades (Empaquetado individual)
- description_fr
- Les arcs Titanium Molybdène Alloy (TMA) a un excellent polissage et finition pour aider à réduire la friction contre le bracket. Son emballage individuel aide à prévenir les infections croisées. Ils sont sans nickel, ils sont donc idéaux pour les traitements des patients allergiques au nickel. Les arcs TMA offrent une excellente formabilité, ce qui le rend idéal pour les étapes intermédiaires et de finition du traitement. 10 Unités. Emballage Individuel
- description_it
- Archi Titanio Molibdeno Alloy (TMA) ha un'eccellente lucidatura e finitura per ridurre l'attrito contro l'attacchi. La sua confezione individuale aiuta a prevenire infezioni crociate. Sono senza nichel, quindi sono ideali per i trattamenti di pazienti con allergie al nichel. Archi TMA offrono un'eccellente formabilità, rendendolo ideale per le fasi intermedie e di finitura del trattamento. 10 Unità. Imballagio Individuale
- description_uk
- Titanium Molybdenum Alloy (TMA) archiwres have excellent polishing and finishing to help reduce friction against the bracket. Its individual packaging helps to prevent cross infections. They are Nickel-Free so they are ideal for treatments of patients with allergies to Nickel. TMA archwires offer excellent formability, making it ideal for intermediate and finishing stages of treatment. 10 Units. Individual Package
- description_gr
- Titan-Molybdän-Legierung (TMA) hat ein ausgezeichnetes Polieren und Finieren, um die Reibung an der Halterung zu reduzieren. Die Einzelverpackung hilft, Kreuzinfektionen zu verhindern. Sie sind Nickel-frei und daher ideal für die Behandlung von Patienten mit Allergien gegen Nickel. Titanium Molibdeno Alloy Bögen bieten eine ausgezeichnete Formbarkeit und sind daher ideal für die Zwischen- und Endbehandlung. 10 Einheiten. Einzelverpackung
- description_pt
- Arcos Titânio Molibdênio Alloy (TMA) possui excelente polimento e acabamento para ajudar a reduzir a fricção contra o bracket. Sua embalagem individual ajuda a prevenir infecções cruzadas. Eles são livres de níquel e são ideais para tratamentos de pacientes com alergias ao níquel. Os arcos TMA oferecem excelente formabilidade, tornando-o ideal para estágios intermediários e finais de tratamento. 10 Unidades. Embalagem Individual