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Meily MIM Metal Bracket Mini. Kit
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27,17 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included
Meily Metal Bracket MIM Mini Roth .018" 5x5 U/L with Hooks 3-4-5
- 1311-55-345HO
- MIM Metal Brackets
Variants |
By using the advanced Metal Injection Module (MIM) manufacturing technique, Meily series brackets are developed with a strong ball hook, smooth surface and sharp corners in slot, and excellent surface polishing.
Manufactured by Metal Injection Module ( MIM ) technique, the bracket achieve strong structure and smooth surface.
Accurate slot structure and good surface produced by MIM technique greatly reduce the friction during treatment.
Ample tie-wings undercut make the ligaturing practice easy.
80 gauge mesh-base maintains high retention.
- 4 different permanent color codes recess at distal-gingival tie-wing of each quadrant.
1 case
Manufactured by Metal Injection Module ( MIM ) technique, the bracket achieve strong structure and smooth surface.
Accurate slot structure and good surface produced by MIM technique greatly reduce the friction during treatment.
Ample tie-wings undercut make the ligaturing practice easy.
80 gauge mesh-base maintains high retention.
- 4 different permanent color codes recess at distal-gingival tie-wing of each quadrant.
1 case
Product Details
Specific References
- nom_es
- Roth .018 5x5 Sup. /Inf. Ganchos 3-4-5
- nom_fr
- Roth .018" 5x5 Sup./Inf. avec Crochet 3-4-5
- nom_it
- Roth .018" 5x5 Sup. /Inf. con Ganci 3-4-5
- nom_uk
- Roth .018" 5x5 U/L Hooks 3-4-5
- nom_gr
- Roth .018 5x5 Sup. /Inf. Ganchos 3-4-5
- nom_pt
- Roth .018" 5x5 Sup/Inf. Ganchos 3-4-5
- description_es
- Bracket fabricado en técnica MIM. Con una precisa estructura del slot y una buena superficie para su fijación la técnica MIM reduce en gran medida la fricción durante el tratamiento. Base adherente de malla calibre 80, para una máxima adherencia Cuatro diferentes códigos de color para distinguir cada uno de los cuadrantes Amplia área debajo de las alas, facilitando un ligado fácil, rápido y seguro. 1 caso
- description_fr
- Bracket fabriqué en technique MIM. Avec une structure de fente précise et une bonne surface pour la fixation, la technique MIM réduit considérablement les frottements pendant le traitement. Base adhésive en maille de calibre 80, pour une adhérence maximale Quatre codes de couleur différents pour distinguer chacun des quadrants Large zone sous les ailes facilitant les liaisons faciles, rapides et sûres. 1 cas
- description_it
- Bracket realizzato con tecnica MIM. Con una struttura di slot precisa e una buona superficie per il fissaggio, la tecnica MIM riduce notevolmente l'attrito durante il trattamento. Base adesiva di maglia di calibro 80, per la massima adesione Quattro diversi codici colore per distinguere ciascuno dei quadranti Ampia area sotto le ali, che facilita il collegamento facile, veloce e sicuro. 1 caso
- description_uk
- By using the advanced Metal Injection Module (MIM) manufacturing technique, Meily series brackets are developed with a strong ball hook, smooth surface and sharp corners in slot, and excellent surface polishing. Manufactured by Metal Injection Module ( MIM ) technique, the bracket achieve strong structure and smooth surface. Accurate slot structure and good surface produced by MIM technique greatly reduce the friction during treatment. Ample tie-wings undercut make the ligaturing practice easy. 80 gauge mesh-base maintains high retention. - 4 different permanent color codes recess at distal-gingival tie-wing of each quadrant. 1 case
- description_gr
- Bracket in MIM-Technik hergestellt. Mit einer genauen Schlitzstruktur und einer guten Befestigungsfläche reduziert die MIM-Technik die Reibung während der Behandlung erheblich. Klebstoffbasis aus 80er Gitternetz für maximale Haftung Vier verschiedene Farbcodes zur Unterscheidung der einzelnen Quadranten Große Fläche unter den Flügeln, die eine einfache, schnelle und sichere Verbindung ermöglicht. 1 Fall
- description_pt
- Bracket fabricado em técnica MIM. Com uma estrutura de ranhura precisa e uma boa superfície para fixação, a técnica MIM reduz muito o atrito durante o tratamento. Base adesiva de malha de calibre 80, para adesão máxima Quatro códigos de cores diferentes para distinguir cada um dos quadrantes Área ampla sob as asas, facilitando a ligação fácil, rápida e segura. 1 caso