Halsted Mosquito 14 cm
Recommended price: 37,08€
Offer: -15,00 % 31,52 €
30,57 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes not included
36,99 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included
Halsted Mosquito Curved 14 cm. 1 Unit
- VOL290/15
- Orthodontic Tweezers
Variants |
Halstead Mosquito Curved. 14 cm.
All joint and hinge instruments should always be kept well lubricated and sterilized in open position. Please only use lubricants that are especially made for surgical instruments.
Well lubricated instruments will work smoothly for years.
All joint and hinge instruments should always be kept well lubricated and sterilized in open position. Please only use lubricants that are especially made for surgical instruments.
Well lubricated instruments will work smoothly for years.
Product Details
2 Items
Specific References
- nom_es
- Curva. 1 Unidad
- nom_fr
- Courbe. 1 Unité
- nom_it
- Punte Curve. 1 Unità
- nom_uk
- Curve. 1 Unit
- nom_gr
- Curva. 1 Unidad
- nom_pt
- Curva. 1 Unidade
- description_es
- Pinza Mosquito Curva. 14 cm. MANTENIMIENTO Se recomienda conservar el instrumento debidamente lubricado y esterilizado en posición abierta. Se recomienda utilizar únicamente lubricantes fabricados especialmente para la conservación del instrumental quirúrgico, ya que bien lubricados estos instrumentos funcionarán sin problemas durante años
- description_fr
- Pince Halsted Mosquito Courbe 14 cm. MAINTENANCE Il est recommandé de garder l'instrument correctement lubrifié et stérilisé en position ouverte. Il est recommandé d'utiliser uniquement des lubrifiants spécialement fabriqués pour la conservation des instruments chirurgicaux, car bien lubrifiés ces instruments fonctionneront sans problème pendant des années
- description_it
- Pinza Halsted Mosquito Curve 14 cm. MANUTENZIONE Si raccomanda di mantenere lo strumento correttamente lubrificato e sterilizzato in posizione aperta. Si consiglia di utilizzare solo lubrificanti appositamente fabbricati per la conservazione degli strumenti chirurgici, poiché ben lubrificati questi strumenti funzioneranno senza problemi per anni
- description_uk
- Halstead Mosquito Curved. 14 cm. MAINTENANCE: All joint and hinge instruments should always be kept well lubricated and sterilized in open position. Please only use lubricants that are especially made for surgical instruments. Well lubricated instruments will work smoothly for years.
- description_gr
- Halstead Mosquito Gebogen. 14 cm GELENK- UND SCHARNIERINSTRUMENTE Alle Gelenk- und Scharnierinstrumente sollten immer gut geölt und in geöffnetem Zustand sterilisiert werden. Bitte benutzen Sie nur Instrumentenöl, das speziell für chirurgische Instrumente geeignet ist. Regelmäßiges Schmieren sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer des Instruments.
- description_pt
- Pinza Halsted Mosquito Curva 14 cm. MANUTENÇÃO Recomenda-se manter o instrumento devidamente lubrificado e esterilizado na posição aberta. Recomenda-se utilizar apenas lubrificantes especialmente fabricados para a conservação de instrumentos cirúrgicos, pois bem lubrificados estes instrumentos funcionarão sem problemas por anos