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NiTi Thermal Archwires Rectangular Forma Natural
Recommended price: 25,96€
Offer: -10,00 % 23,36 €
22,66 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes not included
24,93 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included
Ni Ti Thermal Archwires .016"x .016" Upper. Natural Form. 10 Units
- IP6121-1616-HN
- Thermal Archwires
Variants |
Arc designed to give an ideal shape.
Highly polished to reduce friction.
Available in Ovoid (Europe) and Natural (Full) form
10 Units per package. Enveloped individually
Highly polished to reduce friction.
Available in Ovoid (Europe) and Natural (Full) form
10 Units per package. Enveloped individually
Product Details
9 Items
Specific References
- nom_es
- .016x.016 Superior. 10 Unidades
- nom_fr
- .016"x.016" Supérieur. 10 Unités
- nom_it
- .016"x.016" Superiore. 10 Unità
- nom_uk
- .016"x.016" Upper. 10 Units
- nom_gr
- .016x.016 Superior. 10 Unidades
- nom_pt
- .016"x.016" Superior. 10 Unidades
- description_es
- Arco diseñado para dar una forma ideal. Altamente pulido para reducir la fricción. Disponible en forma Ovoide (Europa) y Natural (Full) 10 Unidades por paquete. Ensobrados individualmente
- description_fr
- Arc conçu pour donner une forme idéale. Très poli pour réduire les frottements. Disponible sous forme ovoïde (Europe) et naturelle (Complète) 10 unités par paquet. Enveloppé individuellement
- description_it
- Arco progettato per dare una forma ideale. Altamente lucidato per ridurre l'attrito. Disponibile in forma Ovoid (Europa) e Naturale (Completa) 10 unità per confezione. Imballagio Separatamente
- description_uk
- Arc designed to give an ideal shape. Highly polished to reduce friction. Available in Ovoid (Europe) and Natural (Full) form 10 Units per package. Enveloped individually
- description_gr
- Bogen entworfen, um eine ideale Form zu geben. Hochglanzpoliert, um die Reibung zu reduzieren. Verfügbar in ovoider (Europa) und natürlicher (voller) Form 10 Einheiten pro Packung. Einzeln umhüllt.
- description_pt
- Arco projetado para dar uma forma ideal. Altamente polido para reduzir o atrito. Disponível na forma Ovoid (Europa) e Natural (Full) 10 unidades por pacote. Envelopado individualmente.