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Thermoformable Plates Thickness 2 mm
Recommended price: 32,98€
Offer: -10,00 % 29,68 €
28,79 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes not included
34,84 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included
Thermoformable Plates Round 120 mm. Thickness 0,5mm - Aligner. 25 Units
- VKL-R7001-05
- Thermoforming Plates
Variants |
Biocompatible Thermoforming material.
Discs and square plates made out of PET G (Polyethylene Terephthalate modified with Glycol), a material ideal for thermoforming to manufacture dental aligners and post-treatment aesthetic retainers. The material conforms to ISO 10993-1, and once formed, it features excellent optical transparency, with highly efficient biomechanical properties.
25 Units
Discs and square plates made out of PET G (Polyethylene Terephthalate modified with Glycol), a material ideal for thermoforming to manufacture dental aligners and post-treatment aesthetic retainers. The material conforms to ISO 10993-1, and once formed, it features excellent optical transparency, with highly efficient biomechanical properties.
25 Units
Product Details
Specific References
- nom_es
- 120 mm. Redondas - Alineador. 25 Unidades
- nom_fr
- 120 mm. Rond - Aligneur. 25 Unités
- nom_it
- 120 mm. Rotondo - Allineatori. 25 Unità
- nom_uk
- 120 mm. Round - Aligner. 25 Units
- nom_gr
- 120 mm. Redondas - Alineador. 25 Unidades
- nom_pt
- 120 mm. Redondas - Alinhador. 25 Unidades
- description_es
- Material biocompatible termoformable Los discos y las planchas cuadradas están realizados con PET G (Polietilentereftalato modificado con glicol) material para el termoformado, ideal para realizar alineadores dentales y contenciones estéticas post terapia. El material, conforme a la ISO 10993-1, posee excelentes características de transparencia óptica y, una vez formado, una elevada eficacia biomecánica. 25 Unidades
- description_fr
- Les disques et les plaques carrées sont réalisés en PET G, matériel idéal pour le thermoformage finalisé à la fabrication d’aligners et de gouttières de contention esthétiques après-thérapie. Le matériau, conforme à la Norme ISO 10993-1, présente des excellentes caractéristiques de transparence et, après le thermoformage, une haute efficacité biomécanique. 25 Unités
- description_it
- Materiale Biocompatibile Termoformabile I dischi e le placche quadrate sono realizzati in PET G (polietilentereftalato modificato con glicole), materiale ideale per il termostampaggio al fine di realizzare allineatori dentali e contenzioni estetiche post terapia. Il materiale, conforme alla ISO 10993-1, presenta eccellenti caratteristiche di trasparenza ottica e, una volta stampato, un’alta efficienza biomeccanica. Massima trasparenza ed elevata efficienza biomeccanica. Ideale per realizzare allineatori dentali e contenzioni estetiche. 25 Pezzi
- description_uk
- Biocompatible Thermoforming material. Discs and square plates made out of PET G (Polyethylene Terephthalate modified with Glycol), a material ideal for thermoforming to manufacture dental aligners and post-treatment aesthetic retainers. The material conforms to ISO 10993-1, and once formed, it features excellent optical transparency, with highly efficient biomechanical properties. 25 Units
- description_gr
- Thermoformbares biokompatibles Material Die Scheiben und die quadratischen Platten bestehen aus PET-G (Polyethylenterephthalat, modifiziert mit Glykol) zum Thermoformen, ideal für die Durchführung von Zahnschienen und ästhetischen Nachbehandlungen. Das Material hat nach ISO 10993-1 ausgezeichnete optische Transparenzeigenschaften und, sobald es gebildet ist, eine hohe biomechanische Effizienz. 25 Einheiten
- description_pt
- Material biocompatível termoformado Os discos e as placas quadradas são confeccionados com material PET G (polietileno tereftalato modificado com glicol) para termoformagem, ideal para a realização de alinhadores dentais e contenção estética pós-terapia. O material, de acordo com a ISO 10993-1, possui excelentes características de transparência óptica e, uma vez formado, possui alta eficiência biomecânica. 25 Unidades