Exact Bracket in Zaffiro. Kit

Exact Bracket in Zaffiro. Kit

Prezzo consigliato: 150,00€
Offrire: -20,00 %   120,00 €

116,40 € Il tuo prezzo finale per essere un Membro OC+ *Tasse no incluse

128,04 € Il tuo prezzo finale per essere un Membro OC+ *Tasse incluse

Exact Bracket Zafiro Roth .018" . Caso .

1651-55-345H Exact Bracket in Zaffiro. Kit | Roth .018" Sup/Inf con Ganci 3-4-5
1652-55-345H Exact Bracket in Zaffiro. Kit | Roth .022" Sup/Inf con Ganci 3-4-5 Esaurito
1661-55-345H Exact Bracket in Zaffiro. Kit | MBT .018" Sup/Inf con Ganci 3-4-5
1662-55-345H Exact Bracket in Zaffiro. Kit | MBT .022" Sup/Inf con Ganci 3-4-5 Esaurito
Complete transparent and stain resistance with the pure Monocrystal Sapphire. Good base contour and whole base treatment ensures bonding strenght. Low friction slot design and soluble black slot scribe line helps wire placing Round shaped tie-wings make patient comfortable while easy for ligaturing. 1 case

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7 Articoli